Views of my world

By rosamund


I finished my Catkin shawl tonight :D only 15 days after cast on it has to be my quickest shawl ever. I have loved this pattern and doing it as a knit a long with friends near and far has really spurred me on. This is it pinned out on my blocking mats, it grew once I wet it, which was good as we were just discussing at the wool shop this morning that it seemed much smaller than anticipated. Now it just needs to dry and then I will sew on the buttons, I'd also like to post a 'fashion shot' in daylight so hopefully Freya will model for me once it's completely done.

Had another chilled out day with the children today, I escaped to once a sheep for a couple of hours knitting in the morning then spent the afternoon just hanging out with the kids and doing a spot of baking (brownies and caramel shortcake nom nom). Of course I was knitting as well and now I'm wondering what I do tomorrow? Might turn my attention back to the patchwork quilt.

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