Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Well,  after a very dry February , another atmospheric river is going thru Seattle…By early afternoon there was a record rainfall for this day and more than in the whole month together…the passes are closed because of heavy snow, rivers are flooding.  This is out the kitchen window.
The UN report on climate change just now released is the worst ever;  “it’s now adapt or die”,  I read.  At a time when the world needs to collaborate with one another not wage war. 

But the days go by….Decided to not go out but work on finding places for some of the stuff we brought home from the island (didn’t  I just clear out my shelves?? )    So I tackled some really old stuff on my studio shelves…  some progress...I just can’t bring myself to throw out all my old work that family has no clue about.  (but seriously would anyone even look after I’ve left???)    Of course one finds some funny things in the process..   I found a 8x10  picture taken in 1963 when I was working at Pres-St. Lukes hospital in Chicago in my hospital starched uniform with 2 of my Chicago paintings.   Must have been an art show at the hospital..I see a ribbon, but the photo is fuzzy enough I can’t read anything.   It also had a big rip from top to bottom which I sort of fixed.  It gave me a chuckle.  That was a fun 1st job out of college  working for the head of special Hematology.   I’ve put it in the archives….HERE

I did a few minutes on the Erg....instead of a walk...if I"m careful to not bend too far I think it's OK...but as always, boring.

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