Trick Symmetry

Northleach Church is not that symmetrical when looked at photographically, but it is quite easy to make it so for Wide Wednesday. All you need is a bit of help from Photoshop Elements. Don't look too closely in case I have missed a bit.

Original photograph in the rain this morning. I popped down to the chemist to ask the pharmacist to certify a copy of my Irish passport to send to daughter#2. She has decided to go the Irish route to get her EU citizenship back on track. I like our pharmacist. It might be something to do with fact that she said my passport photo didn't look like me as I look much younger in real life.

For her help I was going to make a donation to the air ambulance fund but they are actually sending medicines to Ukraine, so my donation will be used to buy some items to include with that.

I posted the copy and some other certificates off to daughter#2 this afternoon. It made a change for me to hold things up a bit in the post office. It's quite a rigmarole to send stuff off to Germany now. I had to fill in a customs declaration, twice, as the first time I didn't notice it had to be in block capitals.

In between I had my haircut. Paddy the Barber has now packed it in, but his place has been taken by Zena. First impressions are that she has made a good job of it.

One year ago:
Every Picture ...

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