
By LauraMR

Free Ukraine

I admire people who actively seek mediation in the conflict, and people who can still imagine a peaceful resolution to this war.

*** personal views on the current situation, probably not appropriate for this context: if so, I'll delete it, it's just an outburst as a coping strategy ***

It has been a year now, perhaps due to my hyperfixation on a specific topic, that I have immersed myself in the black hole of propaganda mechanisms. In particular those of the Dragon, both internal and external, very evident but unfortunately fertile. I also saw an example of this on the Lombardy regional news, by an Italian who represents the trade network between our two nations.

I recently looked for examples of Russian propaganda, which I already knew was especially fertile in Italy.

External propaganda, and the internal one is also addressed to children through cartoons: Russia is saving Ukraine from itself before it becomes dangerous, it is the fault of the USA that made Ukraine bad and Nazi, the war does not exist because it is a response to a genocide, if it should erupt in the future it is NATO's fault because ours is self-defense...we and the Ukrainians are brothers and for this we will not stop until we are reunited, as our history wants.

Even the Dragon internally blames the US, and the citizens who rejoice in the war give proof of this propaganda. Dragon that is probably already giving economic assistance to Russia.

Propaganda always has a goal, and propaganda of this magnitude cannot lead to settling for predominantly pro-Russian territories to unite Crimea. And Russia's acceptance of humanitarian corridors is another sign.

Can you really mediate with someone who is not interested in mediating? Can the total submission of free people be a currency of exchange? After war crimes that I hope will also be recognized by the UN?

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