Vitamins in every box

Except this one ; )

I had another visit from the District Nurses this morning. They came and cleaned my PICC line - a rather complicated procedure, involving lots of medical do-dahs (I tend to look the other way). I am very grateful for their support.

While waiting for the temperature to get to a point where I was willing to do some gardening, I had a look at the news on Ukraine...

The UN reported on where the Ukraine refugees are going: Poland has taken in 1,027,603, Hungary 180,163, Moldova 82,762, Slovakia 128,169, Romania 78,977, Russia 53,300.
Over 183,000 people have moved on from these countries to others in Europe. I see the UK has issued 50 visas.  Yes, 50!
Priti Patel said about the UK response "This is an incredible scheme and we are doing everything possible, surging capacity across every single application centre across the EU."

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