When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

The Meat Man

Where to begin? Not an easy decision on your first day in a city like this. In daylight I discover to my surprise La Sagrada Familia can indeed be seen a short distance from our bedroom window.

So in the end, that seemed as good a place to start as any. Wandering downhill to gaup in wonder at the ever growing monument to spannish artistic eccentricity.

Then it was down through town towards the famous Rambalas. Cue numerous minor spats and fall outs as we continualy fail to achieve any kind of consensus. Then rain further stresses the party. Fortunately, we were about to come upon La Rambalas. More importantly, we discovered the wonders of La Boqueria Market. Lost in a wonderment of produce, harmony was restored. Briefly.

This young man had more meet than Otis Quincannon! (If you're not familiar with Otis, its maybe for the best).

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