Hack back the patriarchy...

This has mysteriously appeared on the village square...  The words are in Asturian Spanish, the fessoria (they´ve drawn one on the banner) is a gardening tool, and "hack back" is the best translation I can think of. 

Village trivia: the foal is male and is called Teri; and I mentioned that he had slid down a muddy slope and his mother was trying to coax him back up. Apparently he failed to get back up and instead fell, aged about 12 hours, off the retaining wall into the road.  About a 5-ft drop. From there he made his way to Mar's house and she reunited him with his mother.
Second  - completely unrelated but I'm startled: Maya, who will be 4 years old later this month, has requested and been given music classes and is learning to play the violin. I know I know nothing but I can hardly believe it...

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