
By WhiskyFoxtrot

My New Pet

This lovely squirrel is a birthday gift from a dear friend. It's all the more special because it's in the shape of a squirrel (doesn't get much better!) and it was unexpected. My friend's little girl insisted that her mummy give the gift to me complete with a piece of chalk, in case I didn't have any. Isn't that adorable?!

We used to have a dog. Georgie was small of stature with a big personality. Many of my massage clients came to look forward to her loud greeting when they rang the buzzer. As is the way, some clients liked her more than others. Georgie passed on about 18 months ago after a long and, I hope, enjoyable life. Many clients said they missed her and one client asks me at every appointment when are we going to get another dog. This client came today and when she asked the familiar question, I brought in this squirrel. House-trained and everything!

She wasn't impressed. Hey ho, you can't please everyone.

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