Being WildCardinal...

By WildCardinal

Broughton Down

Friday couldn't come soon enough this week. It's been manic at work, and I think it could stay like this for a while yet.

On the up side, spring seems to have arrived and the fields are starting to green up. A bit of rain, a bit of warmth and everything is out in bud. I think I may even chance moving off winter tyres!

As it was such a nice evening, I took the long way home. More of a complete diversion really. On the way to where I'd planned I spotted this lovely little valley in the evening sun and couldn't resist stopping off. For me, the converging lines of hedges running in from the left give something to lead the eye, with the trees in the hedge line giving more interest. It's much stronger a bit bigger.

B&W again... I just don't seem to be able to get the hang of this colour stuff...

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