A lovely morning.  I went into Grange at 9:50 ready to meet up with Trevearthy and Biblinros at the Hazelmere at 10.00am.

In the Windermere Road car park I met up with Kentboy who had come all the way down from Whitehaven for the meet up, which was really lovely.  He had problems with the ticket machine but it eventually got sorted of course.

Whilst having a chat with Trev, Ros and Kentboy Penally1 came along too.  She wasn't joining us for the walk about but came in just to have a coffee with us.  How lovely was that.

So in this photo, on the left is Kentboy with Trevearthy in the foreground and Biblinros with Penally1 in the foreground - I of course took the photo with my phone camera. 

It ended up just being the five of us, but we had a lovely chat with coffee and cake (Fika) perfect.

We then went for a walk along Grange Prom, which was busy but not heaving.  Very hazy across the bay but I have taken a couple of photos which I will try and process later.  However I've noticed that my sensor and/or the lens has got very dirty, even though I've given it a clean so time for me to visit Kendal and Wilkinsons to send it in for a service and a cllean I think.

Anyway about midday Ros Trev and Kentboy departed for their long jouneys home.  Such a lovely moning,   Such a shame more people couldn't joint us, but that's the nature of Blipmeets.

Whilst editing my photos from Morecambe yesterday my computer went down on me eeeeekkkk!!  However I have got it up and running again at the moment.  I think (and hope( it was just a very low battery, because I thought I was plugged in, but guess what - I'd forgotten to switch the power on, so it was running from it's battery, which was low anyway!!!!!!

Well that's all from me for today, do take care and stay safe.  Oh tomorrow I am travelling up to Edinburgh to pick G up.  Hubby will drive there and I will drive back.  A quickly fleeting trip as it's a looong drive.  This may mean that I don't get chance to read your blips tomorrow but I will catch up with you all on Tuesday anyway. 

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