Busy day and lack of photos

Busy day so not much time for photos. Kept meaning to take some and forgetting but managed one of our front lawn. Had the first lot of washing out and the second lot underway before I went to the gym this morning. All dry when I got home so brought it in and pegged out the second load. Popped my gym stuff in the machine and made lunch.
After lunch, pegged out the gym stuff - what a lovely day - really warm although a stiff breeze - ideal drying day.
Got the mower out and cut both of our lawns but first I had to remove 2 lots of cat poo. Infuriating. 
Had to miss a little patch of the front lawn due to a few ladybirds holding some sort of meeting there! The magnolia still has not opened its flowers but the cherry has opened a few.
Saw a couple of massive bumble bees.
Cleaned mower, put it away, showered, hair dried, dressed and off to the GP's for my annual asthma review. My first visit to the new (part-time) GP - she seems very nice and will be my named GP. 
My steroid inhaler is being increased (doubled) and if that doesn't do the job it has to double again in 4 weeks time. She was adding in nizatidine for the reflux but must have forgotten or it didn't save, as I checked and it's not on my medications list. 
Despite the "masks must be worn" at the GP surgery, 2 people sat there with them under their chins and one university student (doctor or nurse, not sure) walked through from the back with his in the same position!
At teatime our living room resembled a laundry with all the washing waiting to be taken upstairs.
Geocaching day tomorrow - looking forward to that - might need sun lotion!

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