Further my skills

By H0tamer


I have no idea how this plant is called (did I already mention that I have no knowledge about many things?). (I have been told that this is a scilla.)
But it is nevertheless pretty. I liked the stamens. The stamen is the blue part on the top (called anther) on a white stalk (called filament). The anthers are a couple of millimetres long, but if you look closely you can see that those blue things are actually little, really little balls, the so called pollen. The pollen are responsible for the hay fever (and of course reproduction).
Thanks to JDO for hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge.

Looking for Future Tiny Tuesday Hosts
We are in need of a host for Tiny Tuesday for April and beyond.
Hosting is a great way to engage with other blippers and explore the work of our talented folks who delve into macro and close-up photography.
If you are interested in hosting in April or any future month, please leave a comment for me (H0tamer) and I will sign you up.
You can also contact me through email (h0tamer at h0tamer.com) or Facebook (Hnull Tamer).

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