Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Traffic light tulip

A different view and a hat-trick of Blips for this tulip.

Today has been not too bad, the normal morning natter with Mum and Dad and then onto the normal chores.  Mostly admin today but I did get an hour in the garden this afternoon while Mr T had his nap.  I've added extras of the before and after, and today started to check what materials I need for the base.  Laying it out was interesting as I actually now have more usable garden than before as this corner was occupied by shrubs and the pond but it wasn't very good soil there as there is lots of concrete.

Mr T did seem to sleep much better on his new mattress last night so hopefully tonight will be good too.  He has been so confused today, well I say confused, but not to him.  He thinks his Mum and Dad are here, and we are at the caravan site, got lost in the woods ....  I have been videoing these on my phone for the CHC appeal.  They can't say that he isn't confused about time and place if I've got indisputable evidence, though I suspect they will try!  He's been like it all day, I've kept him well (too well he thinks) hydrated, no evidence of a UTI, so I think just one of those days.

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