Real Estate


After we'd packed everything away and collapsed in a heap at home yesterday, I realised that I had promised a client that I'd do a real estate shoot. I'd been too busy during the week. So I dragged myself over to the site and got the pictures. An hour or so later, as I was leaving the premises I thought, "I still don't have a blip". You can count on the fact that the LAST thing I wanted to do right then was to pick up a camera again and go do a blip. I wanted a beer and a nice long mind-numbing session in front of some favourite old movie, where I could (if I felt so inclined) fall fast asleep.

Then I had an idea. Why not break a self imposed rule and post one or two scenes from the shoot as my blip? Aaaanyway, here are two pictures that have NOT made my final cut, won't be offered as part of the package, won't be appearing on websites, display ads or brochures and which appear here with permission. Sorry, but I am not in a position to identify this holiday rental property - except to say this place enjoys five bedrooms, three bathrooms, three large living areas and a master bedroom cum parent's retreat cum studio apartment with gigantic picture window overlooking extensive gardens. Quite a joint.

Incidentally, like most contemporary RE advertising interiors, these are HDR with a little added contrast. Of course it is always expected that RE pictures should be "bright". Thought you might be interested.

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