
By BryanImagining

Kings of the feeders

The cardinal currently rules the Cafe feeder. All nuthatches and titmice defer to the branches until he's finished. Likewise, the Downy woodpecker flies to a safe roost whenever the redbreast wishes to command the upside down feeder.

So who's the new gal? Carol and I are birder newbies, and we have no clue who this new bird is. (S)he showed up today, and likes to sit at the pinnacle of the Castle Feeder and intimidate the others to stay away.

Any ideas, fellow birders?

Honorable mention goes to the Chickadee, welcomed back from last season, standing stalwart in the face of freezing (spring) rain. Carol named it our "Yoo Hoo" bird when we moved in because of it's call.

Oh, and version 5.01 of the Squirrel Deterrent System has been brought "online" (a pun! Get it?) You can see Shorty sizing it up here. His tail is not what it used to be. He managed to get past the first disc, and although rotated upside down in the PVC Cylinders of Slipperiness, he has yet to figure out the reflective Dish of Emeril (I got this stainless steel bowl from a restaurant supply company. I love how it reflects a fish-eye image of my house. If it survives the squirrrel test I'll feature it in an upcoming blip.)

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