Another sunshine day

Yet again we had blue skies, sunshine and some warmth today and we'd best make the most of it as the weather is set to return to rather more typical March UK temperatures next week.
I took a walk in the garden to take some shots and was delighted to see a few insects out and about, although a rather strong breeze put some of them off and taking shots of fast moving targets proved difficult.  My best success was with this very tiny bee working the rosemary flowers.  If you know how small the flowers are, you'll know just how tiny this bee was!
Still using 2 laptops to get my photos from SD card to laptop:  I'll call our IT people on Monday for assistance.

Many thanks to everyone who called in on my journal on Thursday and Friday and especially those who were kind enough to comment, give stars and even a couple of hearts to my abstract this week, very much appreciated

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