Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I gave church a miss this morning as my knee was aching. Ali came round after her class and we drove to D'mains to the charity shops. I was looking for a purple scarf for Ruth's funeral tomorrow. Its not a colour I often wear as it drains me. I had thought I had one though hence the last minute hunt.
Josie is going through an "I am woman, I don't need to sleep" phase at the moment but is so happy it is hard to moan about it says Ali! Not the way she feels at 2am I'm sure!
I had my physio appointment at 3, I felt very confident in the physio's knowledge. He seemed pretty convinced it wasn't related to my surgery last year (hooray!) I was relieved about that. My knee is generally in good condition - also good news. He thinks I've caused some trauma to my knee and carrying on using it has made it worse. It could have been extensive kneeling to garden, it could have been the 3 days of heels, it could have been something else. What I have though is some inflammation within the knee and a build up of fluid, possibly exaggerated by the reduced cartilage post surgery. The calf muscle pain is referred pain. I've to continue with less walking than usual, use an exercise bike in 10 minute blocks, have a week of strong painkillers and use a stick for a week or so to try to minimise strain on the knee. I'm going back in 4 weeks so he can reassess, but he's hopeful it will be well on the way to being fixed by then.
I went down to Newhaven, which was nearby, afterwards for some fish. I spotted some movement on the Quay and realised it was a bird, it scurried off to join the larger group. I was pleased that I identified it as a Ruddy Turnstone. It seemed a strange place for them to be though. There was an eider floating gently around the harbour too.
Back home we had a quick meal of the fish and then I headed out to our Lent Group. That made me think of Ruth too, she produced a lovely little book for Lent, a few years ago, after a sabbatical in New York. The book was of paintings from the Metropolitan Art Gallery along with meditations with a Lent theme. I still have it and enjoy dipping into it.
The funeral is in the cathedral tomorrow and I think will be very busy. I'm going to go alone and find a little corner, I hope, in which to be quiet. We'd been friends for over 30 years and I'm missing my friend and not the public person.

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