Reenmore Headland

Wild westerlies and showers - I decided to tackle the conservatory and make it fit for human summertime living. I'll spare you the details but the cats take refuge in here during the winter and some habits can get a little slack. Plants have been repotted, cobwebs attacked, floors scrubbed and I even did under the mat! The table is still covered in seedlings but it's now sparkling and fragrant. Tea and toast has been taken within.

A quick trip out to discover what yesterday's tarp was actually advertising - rather bizarrely the answer is Stella Artois! I had a tree blip in mind for today, but the light was too grey. Instead I detoured off to Reenmore where the sea was rolling in in huge waves and the wind was roaring. The little cottage is the last point of habitation on this headland and enjoys wonderfully scenic views but gets the full blast of the wind. The tower in the background is Lord Bandon's Folly, built as famine relief in the 1840s and now a picturesque shell.

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