A(nother) "Mamism"

Mam had, as I suppose many parents do, of either gender, a few phases she used from time to time - one was concerning:-
"The cussedness of inanimate objects." 
I just checked, "To be sure, to be sure".

There is no definitive answer to this question.  Some people believe that flowers are inanimate objects because they lack the qualities or features of living beings.  Others believe that flowers are inanimate objects because they are without a root system or a source of life.  Ultimately, the answer to this question will likely depend on the individual’s perspective and understanding of the word “inanimate.”
 Whichever line you adopt, I think there's little doubt about the "cussedness".
Ealier last year I fancied, and bought, some Nerines.  I first potted them - so I'd know where they were, if perchance they failed.  They didn't, as you can see, they're coming up a second time.  This time, when they go to sleep they may well wake up somewhere in a Border.

BUT - I think you must admit it's pretty damn cussed for a negatively geotropic, postively phototropic entity to grow down for half a pot, before making a sharp turn towards the nearest exit, invisible through the soil?

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