By the wayside

Woke early this morning with a runny nose and sore eyes. Hayfever I was fairly sure, plenty of flowering trees on yesterday's walk, but I did a LFT just in case. It was negative so I took and antihistamine and it gradually settled.
A day of odd jobs.
After getting out the washing we went into town to change a book for a gift token (the replacement Christmas present for a grandson needed to be replaced so rather than risk a 3rd book being one he had we decided on a voucher) and a replacement Where's Wally.
Some preparation for going away and most of the packing done, and I als found time for a bit of sewing.
This evening the running group has less obstacles to negogiate, several had been removed since Wednesday, we'll have to find something else to amuse us!. We did pass this feral group of daffs.

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