Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In our village

I didn't go with the walkers today because I knew that using walking poles and carrying a backpack did not meet the advice to rest my shoulder for 48 hours!

Instead, I took a pile of Mum's Easter cards to deliver around the village. 

First I met Maurice and Billy (his dog) so we had a good catch up chat.

Then Judith, who was gardening. Her husband Jim was admitted to hospital this morning so there was a lot to hear about. AND she is having her 90th birthday party on June 11th. Oh dear, that's the Roman Wall Show and has been in my diary ever since the date was announced. (It is my favourite country show.)

Then Brian, who told me all about Margaret (across the road) and her new electric car. It is a Mini, looks superb, but only goes for 100 miles before needing to be recharged.....

Further on I met Stan. He has the most wonderful Northumbrian burr. He rolls his Rs with great ease. Every day, he goes for a walk around the village and is happy to stop to chat. Today I was able to ask him if I could make a quick portrait and he was happy to oblige.

My shoulder is more comfortable than yesterday, but the underlying problem appears unchanged. Probably too soon to know. 

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