Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

It’s strawberry season!

I only got a quart of local strawberries today because they have just started ripening well and I usually wait a week or so to get a gallon basket.  

Since I had the strawberries and it was just too cold and windy outside (what happened to spring!??? will be back Monday!)...I decided to make cream puffs with strawberry cream cheese filling.  And I will add some sliced strawberries when I fill them.

No sugar here so a good dessert. My mom used to make cream puffs for my birthday. Hers always tasted better than mine!

The man has been out there working on the porch all day. We test hung the screen door and it fit perfectly.  But he took it back down because I will paint it before we hang it. Just easier for me.  

Have a great weekends Blippers!  Eat strawberries!  Finished product in the extras!  

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