Abstract Thursday ...

... rain, rain go away.

We had nothing but rain today!  In fact, we may have set a record high for rainfall with almost two inches of rain. But don't quote me on that.

That said ... we didn't go anywhere until it was time for our weekly eat out night date.  I had made reservations at a local restaurant that's known for it's fried chicken as that's what I was craving.  Unfortunately we were both a little disappointed with our meals.  My fried chicken sandwich came with fries but they were so full of seasoning ... pepper mostly ... that I couldn't eat them.  To the credit of our waitress she did get another plate of unseasoned fries.  I added a little salt and they were so much better.

Earlier in the day I sat just inside the sunroom photographing any wildlife that braved the rain.  As I sat there I loved watching the raindrops form all kinds of abstracts.  What does this one look like to you? Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday each week.  Sorry for another late entry. 

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