Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


Flowers. Summery, you get it.

What do you do when you are dating someone but you don't know if you really like them, they kinda make your skin crawl because they're clingy and they are overly lovey with you when you are sat there feeling unsure about them, but all that aside when they leave you miss them and feel shit, but then as soon as they come back they're irritating again and you don't know how to go about things without punching them screaming "CAN U NOT".

What do you do when it's a permanent thing, caused by the last girl you loved, when you're stuck with ignorance and hatred and you don't buy pretty things for her anymore because it's exhausting, because everything's exhausting and you just want to sleep but you can't sleep because you just can't. What do you do when you know you've healed back up and you've been waiting months for closure and it comes before you wanted, when you've been waiting for return to exactly how you were, but you don't, you're like a less developed version of who you were, with chunks missing.

What the hell do you do when you don't care about yourself or anything else anymore?

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