On the lash

A big day out, though it started in a civilised manner along at Milk where I met the daughter for lunch. With twenty weeks to go she’s beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable but we had a good talk about it all. I think last time she was excited about it so much that the time flew past. This time, it’s dragging.
Onward! To the Ensign Ewart where there was a meet up of blip stalwarts and backsliders: Smithy, Scobes, Insto, Will and MrFT. What larks. And what fine beers though we then relocated to the Bow which had been our previous plan, thwarted by their 4pm opening. I could have stayed much longer but come  6pm I was off as planned - an interlude before the diggers to stop myself over-doing it. An interlude in the Cameo to see True Things which I loved. Ruth Wilson and Tom Burke on top form. And a great bleak storyline. Gotta love it.
Onward again, to the aforementioned Diggers where another blipper showed up. The esteemed J_S! Blimey. And I managed the bus home, though I recall being surprised at how quickly the terminus arrived. It must have somehow gone straight there with no stops.

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