22:41 Late

Busy day. Friend came to visit. To avoid Easter traffic she arrived at 7:25 am – I had woken up at 6:30 and stayed awake until the bell rang. Relaxed, chatted, took the bus to Poole and had a coffee and a wander round Primarni. Then home, picked up the car and collected Mr B from Tennis – sat on the terrace and had a drink before leaving

Mr B made a fab dinner for us. Mine is only a bought vegan bean burger but they had Scallopine alla Milanese - served with his Italian style sauerkraut, potato salad, wonderful petit pois (he makes the best). Followed by a fruit salad.

Been dealing with objections to the Beach Bars. Lots of support from other residents who knew nothing about the application. Deadline tomorrow, so had to get them all off tonight.

Switching off now. Too tired to check this, hope there aren’t many typos

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