If at first .....

..... you don't succeed ...

A good day at work followed by a pleasant steady run with Mr M and Ali this evening.

Tonight I decided to have another attempt at photographing the International Space Station ( ISS ) as it flew over. There were two bright passes due tonight, but once again the clouds were against me for ISS viewing.

The earlier pass at 20:51 was in a relatively bright sky, so I only took about a 10 second exposure so that it wasn't completley over exposed, that photo caught the ISS trail poking through the clouds as it passed the constelation of Leo and I have put that one here.

The photo I have chosen to blip is the second pass of the ISS which was completely hidden by cloud and unlike yesterday's blip there is no faint white line. To the center right of the image half way up the moor you can see White wells ( just above the chimney tops ) that I blipped yesterday. Inbetween the furthest two chimneys to the left of the photo you can see the calf rock that was the foreground for my blip of the ISS back in February.

I'll have another attempt tomorow, so today's blip is .....

..... If at first you don't succeed ...

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