Return to the North

By Viking

Family is more than blood

Well what a final day in the Highlands! Headed out before lunch into Beauly for a wander (an expensive wander!) before coming home for a spot of lunch.

This afternoon we R decided we should have a family
Walk in Evanton Woods. A steady incline followed by lots of flat walking!!!! Oh aye, flat my arse! Uphill for the first mile then a walk across the gorge (extras) before a hike back that involved trying to get round a fallen tree )extras) and then running out path so having to climb up the side of a hill. Thankfully I had fashioned me two sturdy walking poles out of branches so I managed the climb. Was a tad hairy and with my camera backpack on I did think I was going to fall backwards at one point. In true family fashion there were two in front ready to help and two behind ready to push me if needed :-)
The 5 year old in the pic was popped by the end of the walk as was I!!!

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