A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Only gone and done it.

Thought I'd commemorate today.

One thousand.
How time bloody flies.
Not one every day, but hey, it's a bit like when I took my driving test; I didn't pass first time. Took me a while to get into the swing of things.

This site - it still rocks. Blip bosses, you rock. And so do the people, the community on here.

Thank you for showing me your views of the world.
Thank you for sharing however much or little of your lives as you want to.
For making me think, for making me laugh, for making me sad (from time to time.)

Thank you to everyone involved in making this place what it is. YOU ROCK.

Thought this Frank Sinatra tune to be quite appropriate today.
Under my skin.

(PS the new tattoo is only a few hours old. It's now my sixth.)

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