Life in the fast lane

A day full of "stuff".
Callum home today, so we thought we might go out for lunch.
But someone came first thing to collect some old furniture we have donated.
Then we had to take a sample down to the local timber merchant for an order. Then on to the carpet shop to pick up samples for the bedroom and en-suite. The shower leaked quite badly (into the next door bedroom) and we’ve decided to make a proper job once it’s repaired - redecorate the room, new carpet, new wardrobes etc.
Then he wanted to get the van washed so we went to the one by the roundabout, first calling into the drive through restaurant by the petrol station. Many many years ago it used to be a Little Chef, but of recent times, a couple of years maybe, a couple of shipping containers were placed there and converted into a drive through. It also has an inside, and it’s actually quite nice. A big range of food on the menu and certainly better than some motorway roadside cafes. And it has a very clean ladies loo, even if I did have to get the key to unlock it!
I was going to make this a mono blip, but actually like the colours on the wall as they are.

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