No plan F...

I love it when a plan comes together.
Especially when the plan has been devised by the group, admittedly with a little gentle guidance.
I'd left them with homework to devise Plan A. It was never going to happen, but I wanted them to develop an understanding of why a single objective plan with no wiggle room usually becomes a bad plan when it bumps up against variables.
So we worked out a Plan B making sure it also had options C, D and more.
Then we figured out how to make our preferred Plan B succeed.

A longer walk in left us sheltered and warm whilst the worst of the winds passed through. A longer but easier angled ascent let us bag some less obvious but still special peaks and assess what was going on so that by the time we scrambled up onto the top of Pike of Stickle it was positively glorious.

We couldn't resist more pics on Pike Howe, it might not be as lofty as its neighbours but it is a special way back down to the valley floor.

I hope I've given three lovely ladies the confidence, self-belief and skills to plan their next adventures, I know we've had a superb couple of days together and they can do this.

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