Planning the trip

Today's blip was taken in the late afternoon as we finally got out on a walk, in the forest behind the house.
I was obviously feeling a bit of a wimp as I detoured around this large patch of snow, aiming to keep my feet dry. Jan was feeling far more adventurous and set off on the direct route towards the top! Once on the top we sat in the sun and (literally) fired up our stove to make a cup of tea. There is something lovely about making a cup of tea or coffee out in the forest. When the stove is fueled with the twigs, cones etc that are all around it feels even better.
Even if my blip doesn't show it, I'm amazed by how quickly the snow is going. It was exactly a week ago I did the same walk and then I needed snow shoes for the first half of the trip. Where there had been wide expanses of deep snow with a few islands of forest floor showing now there were mostly just a few small snow patches with dry ground all around.
I wrote that we "finally got out". What had held us indoors was booking a trip to England in the middle of May. It all sounds very simple but there's a lot of variables to take into account starting with getting from here to Stockholm airport, and arriving in time for the flight. We are also out of practice after two years of Covid. Various family we are hoping to see are away some days, and busy other days. They also are rather spread around the country so as well as planning the trip to England there's a lot of travel planning once we get there.  Anyway, we finally got it done and parking, flights and hotels are now booked!

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