Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

It's a Bird .....

Probably .....  not interesting enough to make them relinquish their perch in the arbor. Meanwhile TM and I were inspecting the fruit trees up that way. Lots of blossom on the morello cherry, the birds will enjoy that. None on the pears. Fifteen years, and not one single fruit - we must be doing something wrong. The apples are wisely waiting for things to warm up. 

I took a picture looking down the garden from the same spot. It looks sunny, but an icy breeze was wafting around. 

Yesterday it crossed my mind that the ospreys should be back by now, hopefully. I looked up the blog, and it was very good news. The flirty young female who led the widowed Samson a merry dance last year, returned, and Samson arrived just a couple of days ago. Apparently it all went well, and they now have an egg! And the female has a name now, Juno. Fingers crossed for another egg or two, and the birth of the first chicks in the nest for four years. Rosie, who looks after the site, took the picture on my phone via her telescope.

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