Footy Boots!

I could take my pick today from a few successful photos.

The day began with a huge cloud of mist rolling around in the valley below us, blocking the view of the farms and the sugar cane fields completely ~ Well, there will be mist another day, it's the time of year for it to develop overnight.

I walked outside this morning and came face to face with my beautiful model, Mr Magpie, who had dropped by for breakfast and he happily posed for a few photos, feathers gleaming in the sun ~ He visits every day, and never complains about having his photo taken.

But, my son Adam had enjoyed football (rugby league) practice last night during a thunder storm, coming home covered in mud from head to toe! The clothes I could wash, the footy boots were wet and smelly, so out the back door they went, to dry off in the sun ~ Now there's something different, it's not every day Adam rolls around in the mud!

So here you have it, a bit of a different blip, just because Adam's boots were filthy and I could blip them in black and white. :))

PS ~ He cleaned them himself when he arrived home from school!

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