Friendship, solidarity

A small reminder of the pleasures of friendship at lunchtime today, when I met up with two women I got to know through horse-care.  We were horse-caring and horse-riding buddies when I still had Milly (pony) with me. We hadn't seen each other since spring 2020.  Over time, we'd supported each other through all kinds of ups and downs, with the horses and with our own health and circumstances.  We had a great catch-up over a pub lunch. 

A bigger reminder, when I went to fetch my car after its service this afternoon, and realised that next door to the garage there is now a donation point for aid for Ukraine.  How long will it be needed, I wonder? Will these local efforts - and the bigger, far more complex initiatives to supply the arms that Ukrainian forces want - be enough?   At my lowest moments, I feel we may be living in a 21st century version of spring/summer 1939.

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