Delicately Dying

………………………………tulips and small boys don’t belong in the same room together!! Guess how I know :-))

So much for a lie in, said small boy was up by 6.45am…unfortunately he wasn’t picked up by his other Grandad early enough for me to get over to Berwick in time to get a good vantage point to view the Riding of the Bounds. I decided I’d stay home and thought I could head over to watch the riders come back in again late afternoon.

I made good use of my time and sorted out some camera stuff for my workshop next weekend then cleared some space in what will be my crafting/office area so I could finally build my desk! Things were going swimmingly until I realised the top and bottom should have been reversed on the pedestal drawers to enable the desk top to be fitted…it took me about an hour to remove 12 of those round locking nut things so I could take it apart and correct the error! By this time it was too late to head to Berwick so after finishing the first pedestal I built the second. I’ve still to attach the top to the second pedestal then fit the drawers to it but hunger pangs got the better of me.

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