White bluebells

On this May Day (how can it be May already?)  I was looking for our Lilies-of-the-valley, but they have not burst out in total bloom yet and are really hard to capture right now so I have some delicate white bluebells instead. There are blue, pink, lilac and white bluebells all over the garden, especially in the shadowy parts, and they seem to multiply every year. I do wonder how the colour varieties come to exist.

Thanks so much for all the Abstract Thursday entries last Thursday , and many of you entered transient images :-) As always you've all been so creative ! This coming Thursday is the first one in May and so it's theme-free :-) The tag will be AT358.

Here are 5 extra transient specials, as transient as they are abstract.
Kipsie             ageing squash
AnnieBelle     cracking paint
Mole               watery transience
dollydoug       peeling paint
Inverculain     transient tombstone

Thanks so much for the kind comments and stars for yesterday's video meet with Jack and his plushy friends  :-)

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