Emily's Dress

I've wanted to do this since I made the collage of Emily Dickinson a few months back.  Years ago, I did textile collage and I printed my drawings and other things on translucent fabric.  So I printed some of her writing, a letter addressed to her and other images and made her a dress!  Some of the images are cut out and glued to the dress with special fabric glue so it is still a collage! I used the same quote I used in her collage, "I am nobody, who are you?" on the waist band.  The dress is hanging on the cover of my grandpa's bible given to him by his parents in 1926.  The covers had fallen off ages ago but I loved the embossed leather so I kept them.  Making the dress brought back memories of making doll clothes with my mother.  She did most of the work but it is when I first learned to thread a needle and sew a button.  So, here I am 65 years later making a wee dress again!  

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