X Marks the Spot

Voting in the local council elections today. There are three voting systems in place in Scotland. 
-Single Transferable Vote for this particular election.
-The D'Hondt system for the Holyrood Scottish parliament. 
- And the worst of the lot, the Single Member Pluratity System (First Past the Post) for UK Westminster elections. 
I've heard people complain that STV and D'Hondt are 'too complicated'. This makes me wonder about how they view the actual issues involved: probably 'incomprehensible'. 
And we wonder why we get numpties, grifters, carpet-baggers, fraudsters, shape-shifters, and charlatans as our elected representatives.
I'm getting close to the stage where I won't vote at all, or at least just spoil the ballot paper (that gives leeway for some creativity).
I am not optimistic regarding the state of Scottish politics. 
*Election day rant ends*

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