Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera


The mistress woke up really early this morning. Really early. About 2am. Then lay awake waiting for morning. She waited until Anne and Jori had left the house before she got up though - they were off to work and seeing the museum didn't open til 9am, thought she would just rest up.

Anne left the Mistress lots of instructions on how to lock up, how to get to the Museum, maps, etc... Then the Mistress and I took off to the Museum about 9.15am. She forgot to take the map! Oh well.

We found the museum - wasn't far to walk although she stopped twice to ask if she was on the right track. The second time she asked she was right over the road from it and she hadn't recognised it as it was the back of the museum. Would have been funny if she had kept on walking.

On our way there a lovely Frenchman stopped to talk when he saw my camera out. 'Oh - I have a Nikon' he said! The Dark side the Mistress replied and they had a few laughs and the Mistress told him all about Blipfoto.

Anne had bought the Mistress a museum card for the Netherlands for her birthday - so it was free entry to the museum, and through the fast lane - no queues. That was fabulous as the queues were long when she arrived and 10 times as long when she left.

The Rijksmuseum is the Netherlands Louvre. It was fabulous. Great works of art. Unfortunately there was no audio guide for those with hearing loss, and the printed guide was only in dutch. They only reopoened last week after 10 years and 375m Euros. So the Mistress and I did our own tour, and when we were stuck, the Mistress asked hunky guys with audio guides what was it about from time to time, explaining she was deaf. They were happy to pass on the information.

This image is an HDR taken with 3 images of the front of the museum. A huge water feature with bowls of tulips is the foreground. I AM AMSTERDAM scupture adorns the front, with the Museum in the background. Sunny blue skies, but a cold wind.

The mistress wandered back to the apartment and is now going to rest until Anne gets home - then we are all heading into the Dam Square for an afterwork drinkie :)

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