
By HareBrain

Harry (Potter) & Ron (Weasley)

Oh! the screen's gone blank Harry, so you can't see the X-ray of my bottom .....

Harry & Ron are seen here in Consulting Room No.1 with Veterinary Nurse, Amy-Lea (their owner) at our local Veterinary Surgery.

I got out of the office at lunchtime just for a quick breath of fresh air round the block and took a short cut back through the Vet's premises. Having been the owner of several species of animal/bird/duck who have had to have the services of this particular Vets Practice over the last 40 years, I know the Vets and some of the Nurses too. Thought I would just pop in and see if there was a blip to be had. Nothing doing but Amy-Lea obliged with Harry & Ron who zipped round the consulting room but they wouldn't sit still for a moment - well why would they - they were in perfect health and were not in the mood to pose on a Vet's bench when they could have been next door in their own home, doing their own thing!

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