
We met some friends and went out to lunch today to an independent Italian restaurant in Teddington. This is my starter or antipasti called Pugliese as it relates to the Puglia region of Italy . 
It is burrata, raw target beets, tomatoes, radish, lemon, garden peas and nettle pesto. It was delicious and so well presented. I really like burrata and enjoyed eating it lots when in Puglia a few years ago. The nettle pesto was very tasty, something I have never had before.
I only take photos of food in restaurants if it looks good on the plate! It also helps if they have interesting plates like here.And often I forget before I start eating it.

Lots of rain today so no watering needed in the garden. When I went for a dog walk I noticed so many snails which were obviously pleased with the rain and  had appeared on lawns and verges everywhere.

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