Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Playing Blip catch-up once again!

A late evening walk today.

The path network linking the River Kelvin Walkway and Dumbreck Marsh nature reserve in Kilsyth has been under extensive repair for months. Some of my Ramblers companions had mentioned that the fencing and barriers were now down and the heavy machinery away and that the paths were now passable again, so I decided to have a look for myself.

Woo-hoo, it has been a  while but it is now possible once again to do a circular walk along the River Kelvin, starting and ending at Auchinstarry or Kilsyth or (as I did today) Dumbreck Marsh.

The new gravel paths and surrounding 'landscaping' will take a bit of time to settle and 'bed in' but much of the work over the past few months seems to have involved creating drainage channels and making the area more resistant to flooding, etc. It is clear when one walks through the area just how extensive the groundworks project has been.

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