
Well Im back on  T'internet!  And now back home. 

We have had 5 good days away.. and despite being anxious about Fletch he was ok. In fact hes loved his walks. Blip is of his early morning pre breakfast walk . 

I shall do a few back blips to cover the last week.

The journey back via M1 A1 and across the Yorkshire Dales was very pleasant with no hold ups. We stopped at Twin Locks for a walk and something to eat and got home in good time. 

The only blip came when I went to unpack our one case. I noticed some of my few clothes were missing! 
As I loaded up the dog things , the picnic bag etc into the car I asked M if hed checked the drawers to  make sure we hadnt left anything . He said he had. 
Of course hed missed the one drawer that contained 5 items ( including my most favourite posh top! ) 
I've phoned the hotel who ve passed on my info to House keeping, who should  have my left items in lost property. 
 But itll be a few hours before they get back to me
. Feeling so cross with myself for not checking!

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