
I used to wonder why it is called "devotions" when people read the Bible. Now I know it is because we express our devotion by reading and by thinking and by pondering and by sharing.

She is my sister.
I meet her every Thursday and usually she has been reading a devotional book with excerpts from the Bible.
I love it when she shares her thoughts.
I love it when she waves her hand like that while she's deciding how she wants to express what she is thinking.
She never ceases to inspire me, to make me think, to spur me on to a deeper life.
I just love her.

Today, she pondered how Moses had just cried out to God for direction when, soon after, God spoke to him through a burning bush and he found himself saying, "but...but...can't you ask someone else to do it?"
Aren't we all like that sometimes :-)

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