
!!!!!Breaking news update, Friday evening!!!!

Suspect Two, (white hat)in custody, alive, transported to a local hospital.
Captured hiding in a backyard boat.

Boston's finest prevail!

Terrifying situation unfolding, shelter in place order for the entire city of Boston and some surrounding communities. This is totally unprecedented situation.

For the Record
This day came in overcast and warm

Glued to the television, thankfully T is home today anyway, but all MBTA and train service has been suspended. One MIT Police officer killed, one MBTA police officer wounded. One suspect dead. One suspect armed and dangerous at large.

And, I seem to be sick again, fever, cough. I think I was so terrified on Monday when I heard about the bombing and knew T's family was right there that my immune system went haywire. I'm rarely sick, so this is not usual for me.

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