
The hawthorn around the garden and fields is at its most glorious. This is three steps from the back door, taken from the deck - it's the ancient hedge which separates us from the neighbouring field. Friday was a beautiful day and I enjoyed some peaceful potting on.

I'm two days late posting this, mainly because of endless computer frustration: my laptop, less than three years old, no longer wants to do anything most of the time, keeps me waiting a very long time for anything to load or respond, constantly gives me "not responding" messages even when I carefully open the minimum number of things and only ask it to do one thing at a time. Over the past couple of days I've focussed mainly on copying a lot of photo folders onto a second hard drive before deleting them from the laptop. It has been slow going, but I've managed to remove over 27,000 photos. I ought to delete a lot of them altogether, but that would take more time than I can spare. I'm hoping it will be grateful. So far, so good - it's working, though not wonderfully. 

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