Bad back

Phin was awake and barking around 4am but didn’t want out so I took the path of least resistance and brought him back up to bed. He crashed out again whilst I took a bit longer to fall asleep again.

After I took him to daycare I started on the first of what turned out to be four loads of washing. It was a great drying day, bright sunshine and windy so the first load took no time to dry. It meant I was able to add the clothes to the ironing pile which is now no more.

I tidied what used to be young Mr PHL’s room , emptied all the bins, tided Miss PHL’s room and stripped the bed, tidied the kitchen and emptied the cubby hole unit in the dining room. Ok so some of the stuff in the cubby holes is still on the table but the unit is empty and will phone the charity shop tomorrow to arrange collection.

Somewhere along the way I managed to tweak my back (again) so I never made it out for a walk but as I’m at just under 20K steps I know I’ve been quite active.

Mr PHL collected Phin from daycare and he’s currently crashed in the sofa with me whilst I sit with a lovely hot water bottle at my back. As the painkillers I took after lunch don’t seem to have had any effect, I’m on the wine. Chin chin!

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