Dodge the showers

Mum and Dad had their extra COVID boosters.  All was very organised as usual so we were in and out in super quick time.

It was nice and sunny for lots of the day but then we had the occasional almighty downpour.  Leo was in luck as I was able to collect him from the gym in one huge downpour as I had swapped things around to work from home.

It was another day of bulging inbox and chat queries as we awaited a fix to our database wows.  Around 4pm we were promised an overnight fix so I logged off at the end of the day with some hope.

After Leo’s gym session he decided to test his skills in the air fryer and he seasoned up some chicken breast and gave that a whirl - very tasty was his verdict.  I had tried a jacket potato in there at lunchtime and that came out a treat too. Lovely and fluffy inside and crisp and sweet on the outside. It is proving to be a good purchase.

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