Hev’s Journal

By Hevkk


Poppy wore her mask to the masquerade ball. She felt as though it looked like big, kissable lips. She wandered round the room, smiling happily, batting her eyelids at all the available young men searching the room for the perfect partner.

Sadly nobody liked to tell poppy about the whiskers.  Ladies sniggered and whispered behind their fans, laughing at the young fool. Poppy didn't mind, she was confident that she was the beauty of the ball. And indeed, behind the mask,  she was.

Jak-o-bean was full of beans. Today was the day he was released from his lead and could run around the park freely. He was on his best behaviour, chasing the escapee ball and dutifully returning it without fail. Until, that is, the ball got rather tired, then Jak felt it his duty to stay just out of reach and avoid being returned to his lead. No worries, he only pushed his luck for a few minutes then submitted to the inevitable.

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